Was I really that bad in electronic circuits?? Or was it some ppl trying to push the blame on others?? Prob statement, towards the night before the main event, something went wrong. It's like a magical ball, where u see lots of electric charges in it, when u touch the ball, a concentrated line of charge will be formed. It's been running the whole day, trials after trials, everything was fine. There's this fan, how it's being related to the ball? => Both are plug to the same extension.
So, the ball sort of broken down. We don't see the electric lines in it anymore, it just blinks once instead of being fully on the whole time. So to our deduction the ball could have over heated, some circuit problem. So we contacted the person incharged for the ball and the fan. They were both suppose to be part of some tricks. So we told the person of the prob bla bla bla.. To his deduction, he said that we shouldn't have switched on the fan. He TOLD us not to switch the fan on when it is not being used ( like he did, no one heard a word ). And so due to switching on the fan the ball got broken down. Erm... hello.. I may not like much of electronics, but some simple knowledge or even common sense tells me that by switching on the fan does not have anything to do with the circuit of the ball. Okay prob to some extent the fan might draw some amount of current away but, that deduction of his was just too.. absurd i would say.
Electric ball broken because the fan was switched on. They were not even connected on the same plug. Geez.. such lame excuses he could actually think off. I totally don't see the logic behind it.. Zzz..