Monday, July 28, 2008

Paintball Fun!!

Seohli was recruiting ppl to go for paintball. I was hesitant at the beginning but after some thoughts I finally joined in. I wasn’t too sure of the location though seohli gave me the address there. I went over to the island before heading for paintball. I thought of probably meeting up with them somewhere along the Juru exit but somehow rather inconvenient. So o ended up wikimap the location and try my luck.
Permatang Tinggi

Wasn’t too bad though, get there based on the wikimap and when I’m almost there I saw banners of the paintball arena. I thought I lost my way when turning in to a narrow road which can only occupy a car at one time but glad I was when I saw the game field. I saw CS there being the first person and me being the 2nd person. While waiting for the rest I just stood by look around getting excited and can’t wait to play the game. It was something new for me though.

When the rest arrived we were all very excited to begin it. Before beginning, we actually need to fill in a form. Then seohli and choyyin busy were negotiating with the boss. He was quite a nice guy. The boss was quite firm with the price he offered. RM 280 for 2000 pellets. According to Pao whom I think was quite a frequent paintballer, said that the deal was pretty good. So we were satisfied and getting ready to start the action. 19 turned up including me. So seohli did her homework by dividing us into 4 teams. We were briefed a little on the safety of the games. We were provided with air guns, face mask, long sleeve army like shirts and vest for team recognition. We looked cool in those, but the smell was a little stinky.

There were few game fields there. One that we played has many obstacles like wood shelter, oil drums, trees which I think was pretty cool. We played among each team and tried our best to shoot the opponents down. It’s very exciting though as it’s real shooting and you will get shot unlike those in CS, where everything is virtual. Choyyin took me on the feet in the first game. *sob sob* So those got shot will need to move out of the field.

Another field is full of PVC type blown up tubes in various shapes and sizes. I find that field in harder and more challenging as you have less cover and more open to the opponent. So you really need to be good in shooting ppl down and prevent from being shot. Throughout the game Pao and Teng was really indeed very good shooters.
We finished our pellets but we still want for more. So another round of negotiating, purchased 1000 pellets and free 1000 pellets for birthday *kids*.

Towards the final game, everybody enter the field together. So it’s really madness with 20 person in it. Haha. Fun ! fun ! and lots of fun ! Shooting ppl is fun. Being shot is also fun. Haha. Some got shot on the head, on the face, arms, legs, and even close to *there* . That was close. I think the record holder for the receiving the most shot goes to Pao. He was like the undying Rambo always charge towards the enemy.

So all in we each had to pay RM 36 which I think wasn’t too expensive. After that we headed to Juru McD for dinner. Tired.
Guess who? should be an easy one. haha


Anonymous said...

Sounds so funn. When Jason read this, he wants to go too. We hv a paintball place rt her in New York, but ur Sum Sook always says that it's gonna be painful for the kids. Do u think so??? Anyway u look so cooool in that suit!!

JiHouh said...

yup definitely fun. but it still hurts pretty bad depends on how close you're being shot. it's painful even for us. Not too suitable for kids , prob next time when he's a little older first. Btw the pic isn't me. haha. friend of mine.

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