Monday, August 1, 2011


Time flew by so quickly that i almost didn't remember how much I have wasted. Things come and go. And now I've come to a point that everything almost came to stop except time. Stranded on a little island in the middle of nowhere waiting for the boat. Or perhaps i shouldn't be waiting and start swimming to the shore. Where should i head to? Which is the right choice? What if every selection leads to even more questions? If only there was a boat which i could just hop on.
Watching the sun sets and rises everyday.
Faire son choix..

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Just a short message to my lovely Agnes, Happy Valentine's Day!!
Hugs n Kissess... Love you always..

Sunday, September 26, 2010

On my way to Linz

I'm attending a conference in Linz, Austria on Small Engine Technologies with my prof. We travelled down to KL the night before to KLIA. Our flight will take us to Munich, Germany where we will then take a train to Linz. Our flight transits in Bangkok, and here I am, with limited internet connection trying to get online and pass sometime before the next flight which is in 2hrs time. Flight from KL-Bangkok was just 1hr 40mins rather short. Served us breakfast, omellette, sausage, croissant and coffee.

Comm tower view from the transfer bus
In the waiting lounge

Looking out from inside, lots of transfer buses used to transfer passengers from the plane to the arrival hall.

Need Some Clicks =)

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  • Charades - *Brayden 7Y7M18DBevlynn 3Y4M12D* *We played charades. Four of us took turns acting out and let the others guess. * *Brayden acted: Zombie eating brains...
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